Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Earth Charter

Earth, Our Home

This is our home. We only get this one, so we must do everything in our power to sustain it. Our home is made up of so much diversity and uniqueness that we should take full advantage of it. The resources that we have are essential to living a life here, but the way in which we use those resources may change the direction that our life takes. Our goal should be to strive to live a life full of adventure, opportunities, and relationships, but be concerned with doing it in an ecologically friendly manner. Our home is beautiful and plentiful in all aspects. By recognizing this idea, we should be looking to preserve the beautiful state of our planet for future generations, so that they may flourish and live a life that we all have imagined.

The Challenges Ahead
Yes, our home is an awe striking place, but it is facing its challenges. The choice though is ours. What happens to this world’s environment is reflected upon how we live our lives. The global partnership is to “care for Earth and one another or risk the destruction of ourselves and the diversity of life.” Incorporating the proper education and life-long learning will promote living a sustainable, ecological life in hopes of those practices and ideas to be passed on from generation to generation.

Universal Responsibility

Earth day logo

This section of the Earth Charter helped me to solidify my understanding that we are a part of more than just ourselves and our immediate surroundings. We are a part of a bigger picture than we can even imagine at times. Whether we realize it or not, things that we do here in America, in Fort Myers, can have an effect on someone else on the other side of the world. We are a linked together with a moral responsibility to take care of the universe that we inhabit. We when internalize that idea, all of humanity will be better off, not just environmentally but socially, economically, and politically. We must care for our communities with passionate love, and be willing to accept the rewards and repercussions that come along with our actions.

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