Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Nature of the Everglades

“They are the only Everglades in the world.” (Douglas 106)

Everglades National Park, Fl. -- Tarpon Bay, looking South West towards Florida Bay.

This particular quote stood out to me because it’s amazing we can say that we have the only everglades in the world. We have such a unique and diverse ecosystem right here in my home state. Personally, I have only seen the Everglades in passing as I was driving across Alligator Alley. After reading that quote it made me think it’s a shame I haven’t taken the time to adventure through one of the world’s natural wonders. We get so caught up with the hustle and bustle of our lives that we don’t realize and enjoy the beauty of the land that has been here long before us.

“There are not four sharply marked seasons, as in the North.” (Douglas 112)

Florida Seasons Postcard - click to enlarge

This statement is one of the reasons I appreciate living in Florida. A lot of people say they love to see a change of season, but I disagree. While certain times of the year is more tolerable, I enjoy our climate and weather. I have lived in Florida all my life, so I am use to the way the “seasons” meld into each other. The real truth is I don’t know any different. What I’ve recently learned though is that we have two very different seasons, wet and dry seasons. Douglas goes on to talk about them briefly saying that for months the rain will pour, but just as quickly as it comes, it’ll also dry up with the sun beating down on the land. I think it all boils down to what you are accustomed to. Florida’s seasons may not be for everyone.

“The whole system was like a set of scales on which the forces of the seasons, of the sun and the rains, the winds, the hurricanes, and the dew falls, were balanced so that the life of the vast grass and all its encompassed and neighbor forms were kept secure.” (Douglas 121-122)

image of balance scales

As it is said in this quote, it is a system of checks and balances that made the Everglades come to be. Without the streams, lakes, and rivers in the northern part of the state, the Everglades basically would have washed away. I think we can also apply this idea to our own lives. We have a system of checks and balances in place for our national government. Without that our country would end up running itself to no ends. We also have a system in place for ourselves. We have to have balance in our own lives between school, work, family, and friends. We keep ourselves accountable for our actions, and we take the rewards and repercussions when necessary. All aspects of life must find that balance that satisfies their needs.

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